Tag: West 23

more on the $5 million Manhattan loft market, a year over year look

difficulty at the $5 million level is not a new phenomenon for Manhattan lofts My post on Tuesday considered whether the December string of downtown Manhattan lofts that took a long time to sell around $5 million that I noticed

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$5 million data points: unrealistic Manhattan loft sellers or market softening?

the numbers are intriguing One of the story lines coming out of the Manhattan Media Division of the Real Estate Industrial Complex has been about supply in the luxury market (specifically, in new developments), with the (often implicit) question about

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The Black Loft finally sells at 213 West 23 Street, 1/3 off

Manhattan loft beauty, like many things, is in the eye of the beholder To say that the fully renovated layout and finishes of the “3,750 sq ft” Chelsea loft #6S at 213 West 23 Street is not in everyone’s taste is

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what did a “flawless renovation” of 315 West 23 Street loft cost, to generate 60% premium over Peak?

big bang for those loft renovation bucks in Chelsea This looks like a form of Manhattan loft alchemy to me: the (possibly) “1,200 sq ft” Manhattan loft #6C at 315 West 23 Street (the Broadmoor) was just sold for $1.625mm

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158 West 23 Street loft zooms more slowly through market

the real story is the 2007 contextYesterday it was 17 days to contract 8% above the ask at the top of Soho (December 7, 12 days to contract 8% over ask at 284 Lafayette Street loft with 8 skylights); today

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240 West 23 Street penthouse loft sales illustrates trough, with a bonus anomaly

(not that you need another illustration)Regular readers of Manhattan Loft Guy don’t really need to be reminded that the overall Manhattan residential real estate market has seen a cycle of Froth + Peak + Trough + Thaw (+ Rebound) since

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motivated (proud?) seller picked the wrong price at 315 West 23 Street loft, again + again

new kitchen had to be some help, right?One story for the Manhattan loft #12A at 315 West 23 Street (the Broadmoor), which cleared the market at $1.135mm on August 24 is that was down nearly 20% from The Peak, but

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long run to a sale above ask at 315 West 23 Street

bumped by LehmanTo say that the listing history of the Manhattan loft #6E at 315 West 23 Street (The Broadmoor) is unusual is an understatement. The punchline is that when it sold on May 24 at $1.399mm it sold above

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did the sponsor of 186 Fifth Avenue lofts get squeezed in first resale?

the runt of the litterBoth times the Manhattan loft on the 4th floor at 186 Fifth Avenue have sold have been odd sales. Back on those thrilling days of yesteryear (2007), when four full-floor lofts were offered by the sponsor

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241 West 23 Street loft pushes through market to close below 2007

up 8% since 2004, howeverHere is another set of data points in search of a coherent narrative, as the same loft has been sold 3 times since 2004, prompting me to play with some numbers in search of some meaning.

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