Tag: Mortgage

most patient sellers in the world sell 15 Broad Street loft after 3 years

one boat, in a rising tide… The “1,420 sq ft” Manhattan loft #2904 at 15 Broad Street (Downtown by Starck) that sold for $1.51mm on September 18 had been first offered for sale in December 2011 at $1.5mm and was

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55 Great Jones Street loft with unobstructed views + potential sells for $1,016/ft

reading between the lines, and pixYou could just “[p]aint and move right in” to the “2,300 sq ft” Manhattan loft on the 4th floor at 55 Great Jones Street “or [you could] update with your own vision”, as the broker

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referee ends Damon Dash saga at 79 Laight Street after a year

nobody puts the D in distress sale like DDIt is not obvious from the deed names of record, but the July 15 sale of the Manhattan loft #5F at 709 Laight Street (the US Sugar Building) was of the second

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is publicity hurting 95 Greene Street resales?

[UPDATE – I changed the title and first sub-head just after posting, when I realized my main point was a different one … the perils of blogging!] [a substantive update from June 27 below] even as #4A closes up 13%

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flipped early, Lion’s Head loft later gains only 4.8% since 2006

not much left overThe first re-seller of the Manhattan loft #8D at 121 West 19 Street (the Lion’s Head) soaked up nearly all the appreciation in the unit by flipping in two months in 2006, compared to the July 2006

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95 Greene Street, deadbeat condo owners, and small building risk

[updated]the inter-tubes are burningChristine’s Haughney’s latest Appraisal feature in the New York Times about war litigation in the condo loft 95 Greene Street has been flying around the ‘net and the twitterverse since it hit the web yesterday afternoon. A

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a tale of two Ones in Tribeca, Worth vs. York

sounds like the Wars of the RosesYork against Worth. New uber-condo against 6th floor walk-up. $1,091/ft against $757/ft. $1,065,000 against $1,059,581, which is the only way these two Manhattan lofts are close to each other. (Unless you consider 6 blocks

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riffing with The Miller on the value of Manhattan terraces, decks + balconies

timely stuffAs The Miller said on his blog yesterday, he finally got around to answering a question about Manhattan real estate valuation methodology for outdoor spaces, [Terra Logic] Understanding The Value of Manhattan Apartment Outdoor Space. Great timing (for Manhattan

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bank error in your favor, collect $200 [$17,000] / the new Good Faith Estimate for mortgages

one happy surprise at closing (for buyer)Let’s go into the weeds a bit, into the minutia of mortgage lending, a trip occasioned by a note I received from a Manhattan mortgage broker about a client whose lender had to pay

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the (boring) details about building financials that can prevent your loft from selling

  especially smaller loft buildings I have heard a couple of stories in the last few weeks from an agent and a mortgage lender about how some of the arcana about a Manhattan coop’s or condo’s finances make it difficult or

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