Tag: Closing Costs

weird fluff piece: “flip queen” may have actually lost money for mother-in-law

tangled webs woven by Manhattan Media wing of the Real Estate Industrial Complex I’d like to think I’m more a skeptic than a cynic, as I habitually click through background data to better understand newspaper (or other) stories about real

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American Felt loft at 114 East 13 St sells for 6th time at a gain

there are no guarantees in Manhattan residential real estate, of course, of course Timing may not be the proverbial “everything” when it comes to Manhattan lofts, but it surely helps to have it on your side. The “1,164 sq ft” East

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funny math as first Sterling Mason loft resells: when is a $200k gain not a gain?

(you know this) when your transaction costs far exceed the ‘gain’ The suburbanites who just sold the first loft to resell at the uber-loft conversion slash new construction Sterling Mason, the “2,042 sq ft” Manhattan loft #4A at 71 Laight

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sales price kerfuffle, as ACRIS changes, so does StreetEasy, but world does not end

this explains some of the funny (non-round) numbersThis may be a bit too inside baseball for some (many?), but the way New York City reports real estate sales prices changed in March, and The Real Deal stirred things up this

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flipping (down) at One York / is this the first resale?

the first resale a fire sale?Looks to me as thoughthe Manhattan loft  #4F at 1 York Street (imaginatively known as One York) has been the first to flip, and it was not a happy Ozzie Smith flip. These April 9

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bank error in your favor, collect $200 [$17,000] / the new Good Faith Estimate for mortgages

one happy surprise at closing (for buyer)Let’s go into the weeds a bit, into the minutia of mortgage lending, a trip occasioned by a note I received from a Manhattan mortgage broker about a client whose lender had to pay

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Real Deal does recent paired sales from 2005-08

veddy interesting … but few detailsNo surprise that Manhattan Loft Guy is not the only guy interested in Manhattan real estate recent paired sales. My dump of 27 Manhattan lofts that sold since November 1 and that previously sold in

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wearing a $500k renovation on your sleeve / 158 W 23 is flipping

bragging, not showingThe 5th floor at 158 West 23 Street was (apparently) sold by the developer in August for (probably) $1.699mm as a white box special. The August buyers are nothing if not quick … as the “1,865 sq ft”

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