Tag: Baseball

a seasonal no-lofts diversion is not about that (this) season

but it does involve the shortest day of the year Let others divert with visions of sugar plums, etc, today is the shortest day of the year, which means it is the darkest day of the year, which means that

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diversion is about America’s greatest game

(and some lovely writing) I’d never heard of Jordan Ellenberg (a professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin) before reading a lovely little piece he wrote on Slate, but I will try to pay enough attention hereafter you be aware

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diversion is a distraction: what Sherman could learn from A-Rod about ambition

weirder & weirder You could look at the post-season campaign of Alex Rodriguez as a single-handed attempt to revive  law firm profits. Or you could look at the lawsuit against Major League Baseball and Bud Lite (did I leave anyone

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Sunday diversion has to feature The Great Rivera

still baseball season, of course No need to get into a discussion of whether Mariano Rivera is ‘the greatest closer ever’ in Major League baseball (the 9th-inning [only] closer being a fairly recent development) but we can all agree that

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diversion is but more immersion in the muck

another stab at ARod, of course Having gone off on insincere Ryan Braun not once, but twice (July 27, diversion: the baseball I told you so edition), I’d hate anyone to think that I am soft on #13 if I

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diversion: the baseball I told you so edition

a new day dawnsThe big baseball news of the week made my jaw drop when it hit alert screens all over the inter-tubes. (No, speculation about Yankee 3rd basepeople does not qualify as “news”.) When Ryan Braun (and the toughest

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diversion for baseball fans who need a diversion

  (looking at you, NYY fans)I am pretty sure that the starting line-up for the New York Yankees on Friday night against the Angels of etc, etc California included 4 guys batting between .100 and .199, and a guy without

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diversion / needlessly painful baseball

stop me if you’ve heard this beforeIf you are a mild baseball fan you are aware that catchers take a lot of punishment; a more serious fan is aware that Yankee catcher Francisco Cervelli suffered a broken hand last week

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diversion / baseball games! old baseball games

it’s beginning to feel a lot like … Opening DaySnow flurries aside, it is getting to be baseball season, finally. If you’ve been following the game for a while, there will be something in this compilation on SBNation that will

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Sunday diversion is a B&B special that does not involve an overnight stay

one is timely and eternal, one just eternalI have commented before that Grantland has a wonderful collection of writers with a focus on sports but a wonderfully broad range of interests. In re-filling my Instapaper reader the other night I

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