Year: 2007

a reader writes / how to keep on top of buying opportunities in a specific building

great questionI had an off-line email dialogue with a reader of this blog the other day, who really wants to be able to buy in one particular building, and who asked this question. I like the building,I saw a great

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5 Sunday Open Houses from $3.1 to $3.5mm

(remember to check the agent websites Sunday morning to see if open house is still on) 57 Bond Street #4E $3.45mm and $1,712/mo (condo) for “2,125 sq ft” of bling-bling finishes (circa 2003) on perhaps the bling-bling block in the

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quick contract at 211 E 2 / move me to Missouri

new condo finds a marketThe 2nd floor at 211 East 2 Street came to market on October 26 and shows as In Contract as of yesterday. Pretty quick work, no? Pretty clear evidence that there is a market for this

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176 Perry has new loft in mid-8 figures

just for sh*ts and gigglesI am not going to go into too many details here, but the new listing for #8-9-10 at 176 Perry Street sorta jumped out and bit me today : “11,000 sq ft” triplex, with taxes and

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34 E 30 finally in contract, as in Best & Finally

I hit 34 East 30 Street #PH-9 when it was fresh a month ago in an open house review, then in more extended fashion in a compare-and-contrast review along with a similarly priced (but very different) TriBeCa loft on October

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wearing a $500k renovation on your sleeve / 158 W 23 is flipping

bragging, not showingThe 5th floor at 158 West 23 Street was (apparently) sold by the developer in August for (probably) $1.699mm as a white box special. The August buyers are nothing if not quick … as the “1,865 sq ft”

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4 week recap of weekly loft data / new listings and sales

Having done 4 last-seven-day reviews for new loft listings and newly reported loft sales as of this morning, I thought it a good time to recap. Forgive the simple presentation. (oops alert: when the numbers don’t total right it is

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New Listings + Sales of Manhattan lofts in last 7 days

This is my fourth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days. For information about how I get this stuff and

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some Oct market data shows stable Manhattan market

Josh Barbanel in today’s NY Times Real Estate section has an article that refers to data consistent with his headline What Market Slump? The article is more directional than precise, and still reflects pre-mid-August-liquidity issues, but it gets us closer

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7 Sunday Open Houses from $2.5 to $2.35

(remember to check the agent websites Sunday morning to see if open house is still on) These 7 are in Tribeca, SoHo and Chelsea and range from under 1,500 sq ft to more than 2,300 sq ft, from new last

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