Year: 2008

more about that Second Quarter / Manhattan loft data

Yesterday I (finally) hit the big firm reports on Manhattan real estate transactions (and other stats) from the Second Quarter of 2008 (about that Second Quarter / data party like it is 2006). Today it is whatever data is reported

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about that Second Quarter / data party like it is 2006

better late than …?Of course there is a lot of instant ‘analysis’ when the big dogs bark out their quarterly market reports, not all of which is well considered. Indeed, note the differences in just these two headlines: Apartment Sales

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Manhattan loft inventory as of August 10

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night:    price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 97 $1mm to $1.99mm 227 $2mm to $2.99mm 166 $3mm to $3.99mm 85 $4mm to $4.99mm 48 $5mm to $10mm

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new Manhattan loft listings + closed sales in last 7 days

This is my forty-first report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days.The stats as of Sunday night: there were 28 Manhattan

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what a difference $675k makes / 1 Hudson Street closes

a little off the top, pleaseThe Manhattan loft on the 10th floor at 1 Hudson Street closed July 10 at $2.525mm. I hit it when it started in October at $3.2mm (back when I used to do such things; Oct

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9 Murray Street #8W closes at just over $1,000/month / neighbor does faster (is higher better??)

  yes, per month It is not often that I can talk about a Manhattan loft sale in terms of dollars per month, but this one is just too good to pass up. The bonus angle is that a next

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Manhattan loft inventory as of August 4

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night Monday:    price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 97 $1mm to $1.99mm 224 $2mm to $2.99mm 161 $3mm to $3.99mm 87 $4mm to $4.99mm 47 $5mm to

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new Manhattan loft listings + closed sales in last 7 days

This is my fortieth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days. blame the familyThe stats as of Sunday night Monday

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lux diversion / Time Warner or 165 Charles as better “investment”?

not much gain for PortmanBraden Keil’s Gimme Shelter grab bag in today’s NY Post (hat tip to Curbed for pointing it out) mentions two celebrity Manhattan real estate transactions that caught me eye, though neither involves a real loft. The

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pretty negotiable as 17 White Street #3A closes

an 8% solutionThe Manhattan loft #3A at 17 White Street came to market on March 13 at $4.5mm and found a contract within about six weeks — the kind of trajectory that often implies a deal at or close to

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