let’s make it this week’s themeYesterday I featured a Soho penthouse loft that did not sell under $4mm in 2009 (and 2010!) but recently sold for $5mm (July 22, no thaw was good news for (eventual) penthouse loft seller at…
let’s make it this week’s themeYesterday I featured a Soho penthouse loft that did not sell under $4mm in 2009 (and 2010!) but recently sold for $5mm (July 22, no thaw was good news for (eventual) penthouse loft seller at…
playing with the calendar, for fun and profit If the headline above makes sense to you, thanks for being a regular reader. (For the rest of you, thanks for stopping by; feel free to return.) The premise for the punchline…
Five Years Ago Today on Manhattan Loft Guy You were warned in my July 4 post that you had a couple of weeks of archived Manhattan Loft Guy material coming up; almost up. In my July 15, 2008, 130…
no idea what it cost; but that’s the value added These are not perfect comps for each other, by any means, but they are close neighbors of similar size and utility: the “1,800 sq ft” Manhattan #2W at 36 N.…
for brick lovers onlyThere is a staggering amount of brick in the front room of the “1,561 sq ft” Manhattan loft on the 5th floor at 35 Vestry Street in northwest Tribeca that just zoomed through the market, and by…
times have changed, got it?Next time someone asks you precisely how The Market has changed, tell them that the hyper-local market at 110 West 25 Street is up more than 15% since 2011, and probably a similar premium over 2012.…
you get a massive discount, and a projectIt is not often that you see weather impacts in Manhattan loft listings or sales, or that you see lofts for sale that have actually been wrecked (as in destroyed) as opposed to…
some prices just jump out at youYou won’t find a listing associated with the deed recently filed on the May 13 sale of the “979 sq ft” Manhattan loft #12C at 505 Greenwich Street because it was a private transaction.…
it’s true here, but can’t really be trueThis math is true: the “902 sq ft” mini-loft with a pod #5C at 16 West 19 Street (Jade) recently sold for $1.2mm after not selling after having been offered for sale for…
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