Month: March 2014

New York Times revisits valuation of outdoor space, oddly

nice to see numbers, but the article is a mess Did you see the big piece in Sunday’s New York Times real estate section about valuing balconies, terraces and other outdoor space in Manhattan lofts and apartments? On the one

Great Jones Street loft shatters (old) (near) Peak performance in cute Noho corner

remember The Peak? overall Manhattan market data re-sets into new heights The “1,250 sq ft” Manhattan loft #2 at 3 Great Jones Street that sold two weeks ago for $1.63mm had been bought by the recent seller on July 2007

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happy Renwick penthouse loft at 808 Broadway sells at $1,643/ft

the open city makes a big difference in a loft penthouse The most important words on the floor plan for the “1,400 sq ft” (true) penthouse loft #PHB at 808 Broadway (The Renwick) are “open city views”, which help make this

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no lofts diversion about blue skies + how the internet works (+ doesn’t)

context is hard to convey in a quick hit I love the Bad Astronomy guy at Slate, Phil Plait. Like the recently departed from Slate Matthew Yglesias, Plait has a gift for asking simple questions that (eventually) have simple answers,

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saddest Chelsea Mercantile “penthouse” loft sells under $1,900/ft

nothing personal, but a great Chelsea loft condo should have great penthouses There is nothing wrong with the “2,002 sq ft” Manhattan loft #PHS at 252 Seventh Avenue that a name change wouldn’t fix. Not a name change of the

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wheel makes one more turn for Manhattan Loft Guy, the blog

we just did this last year at this time … Yes, friends, it’s cake and balloon time (virtual cake and virtual balloon??) as another blog-aversary rolls around. EIGHT years ago today a real estate guy who had by then been living

old school gut-me loft sells at $926/ft at east end of Chelsea

love the truthful broker babbling describing this (quintessential?) Chelsea loft “[F]air condition and livable” is damn fine praise to describe the “1,980 sq ft” Manhattan loft on the 2nd floor at 106 West 26 Street, a small late condominium conversion

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another loft goes at 288 West Street, direct river views in Tribeca earn $1,432/ft

there are river views, and there are river views The year end sale of the “1,850 sq ft” Manhattan loft #2W at 288 West Street in the far west corner of Tribeca is an occasion for ‘we’ve been here before’.

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loft lovers trade light on Fifth Avenue in Flatiron for dark space on 24th Street in Chelsea

Manhattan loft voyeurs unite! Long-time readers of Manhattan loft Guy know that I am interested somewhat obsessed with the choices that folks make when it comes to Manhattan lofts. The folks who traded the “1,750 sq ft” Manhattan loft #7B

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