Year: 2008

NYC photos / could not stop scrolling

is it memory lane if I am too young to remember (or to have been alive then)?Hat tip to today’s Today’s MUG from Manhattan User’s Guide for linking to a forum on WiredNY with an amazing collection of photos, mostly

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one sobering data point / 684 Broadway loft sells slowly, reluctantly

 (9.26.08: my apologies about the hrrible formatting of this post originally; undoubtedly it was human error [fire that guy!]) one small data point for NoHo, how big a fact for broader market??The Manhattan loft 684 Broadway #7E has been on

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Manhattan loft inventory as of September 21

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night:   price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 109 $1mm to $1.99mm 276 $2mm to $2.99mm 189 $3mm to $3.99mm 92 $4mm to $4.99mm 47 $5mm to $10mm 75

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new Manhattan loft listings + closed sales in last 7 days

This is my forty-seventh report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days. Can you say "beginning of the Fall Market"??The stats

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Brown Harris vs Brown Harris / 25% drop in coop value at the top already??

  too weird to avoid I just saw this story from an ABC News blog, plugging a 20/20 interview tonight (hat tip to by one of THE top top-end agents in Manhattan. Yes, agents (and Manhattan real estate firm management) say uninformed

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Manhattan loft inventory as of September 14

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night:   price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 103 $1mm to $1.99mm 254 $2mm to $2.99mm 172 $3mm to $3.99mm 92 $4mm to $4.99mm 48 $5mm to $10mm 76

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new Manhattan loft listings + closed sales in last 7 days

This is my forty-sixth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days. Can you say "beginning of the Fall Market"??The stats

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no country for old FSBOs? no Manhattan lofts above $1mm

Manhattan sellers pay to sellIt has been quite a while since I parsed the NY Times online Manhattan residential real estate listings for brave for-sale-by-owners of lofts (last was December 13 no loft FSBOs for the Holidays; before that July

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September 11, again

I will re-post what I said on this date two years ago, slightly updated:   It turns out that I am most definitely not able to post much of anything today, and still unable to read (let alone watch) what

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Manhattan loft inventory as of September 7

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night:   price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 99 $1mm to $1.99mm 239 $2mm to $2.99mm 169 $3mm to $3.99mm 83 $4mm to $4.99mm 44 $5mm to $10mm 68

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