Year: 2008

why a gag rule within REBNY about specific listings?

As a follow-up to yesterday’s startling post (for readers and for me), end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy / a new day dawns?, I can imagine a reason for a REBNY gag rule about the listings of other

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end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy / a new day dawns?

evolution, not revolutionAs I look back out how this blog has evolved over the last 25 months, one of the most interesting (to me) things I have done is to put in context what is going on in a particular

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more bad 2d floor news / 135 Watts back + lower / is it the tea?

  [update 12.10.08: I have restored this post (below), as the reasons for having removed it in April no longer obtain] I have removed the content of this blog post, as it comments about the current listing of another agent.

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past the point of pain at 32 West 18 Street w new price drop

I have removed the content of this blog post, as it comments about the current listing of another agent. For information about why, check out end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy / a new day dawns? from April

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new Manhattan loft listings, closed sales + inventory in last 7 days

This is my twenty-fifth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days, and the second to include "inventory".The stats as of

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40 years ago

This was about 45 years ago in Washington, but I am not going to link to The Event of 40 years ago today in Memphis. R.I.P. brother Martin.

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… 3 (more) french hens … 2 (more) price drops (477 Broome + 28 West 38 St)

I have removed the content of this blog post, as it comments about the current listing of another agent. For information about why, check out end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy / a new day dawns? from April

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'nother new one at 138 Duane

I have removed the content of this blog post, as it comments about the current listing of another agent. For information about why, check out end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy / a new day dawns? from April

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surreality or surrealty / quick MLG interview, results TBD

I was brilliant…… in my own mind, at least, when I did a 15 minute cell phone interview about The State of The Market this morning with Inman News. (I focused on Manhattan lofts, of course.) I wonder how it

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… three french hens … two quick contracts …

I have removed the content of this blog post, as it comments about the current listing of another agent. For information about why, check out end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy / a new day dawns? from April

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