Tag: Department Of Buildings

New York Times explains “how to land a loft”

  I take this personally The headline feels like Manhattan Loft Guy bait, at least to me: the latest Michelle Higgins Sunday real estate piece in the Old Grey Lady is How To Land A Loft (in tomorrow’s physical paper,

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if gut renovation loft at 33 Greene Street went for $1,188/ft the roof rights were free

playing with numbersWhat is your guess as to what a $4mm buyer would pay to gut renovate a ”3,200 sq ft” classic Soho loft? Let’s say a minimum of $250/ft for ballpark purposes, so figure that the recent buyer of

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another day, another parking lot to be developed / Varick Street Tribeca edition

more View Diligence due [UPDATED] The guy at Tribeca Citizen had a nice catch yesterday in response to a reader’s jackhammer question: building permits for the parking lot on Varick Street opposite the First Precinct. The Department of Buildings permit

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back to Soho, back to 1970, with stops in 1966 and 1963

does it seem like we haven’t left?In the course of thinking about the fascinating sociology, anthropology, urban planning, and cultural issues associated with the residential real estate sales angle of Soho, I have collected a bunch of nuggets from the

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real world impact of Soho artist-in-residence rules and Certificate of Occupancy enforcement, as the dialogue continues

their words, not mineThe provocative comments to the provocative Manhattan Loft Guy post about a provocative New York Times article continue, with the latest reader contribution a week ago. I don’t have any idea how many readers click through to

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how are Soho artist-in-residence articles like the Richter Scale in California?

when is The Big One?I’ve been continuing to consult and reflect about the conundrum reflected in the November 12 New York Times article Suddenly, SoHo Heeds Law Limiting Lofts to Artists and my quick-but-long post in response later that day,

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did the NY Times just write a front page obituary for the Soho real estate market?

  [UPDATE Dec 17: I just put up a new post, attempting to summarize (highlight might be a better word) from the treasure trove of comments to this thread. Keep those cards and letters coming! and see this cheat sheet: 

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balcony problem a deal-beaker? or, another disappointing major media Manhattan real estate article?

or, is Manhattan Loft Guy just getting cranky?I was pleased to see that NY Magazine ran a recent S. Jhoanna Robledo on-line piece asking — among other things — "do buyers care [about the recent press about dangerous balconies]?". I

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