This is my fifty-third report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days.The stats as of Sunday night: there were 31…
This is my fifty-third report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days.The stats as of Sunday night: there were 31…
Soho on the cheap, with reasonI noticed yesterday that the Manhattan loft #5N at 16 Greene Street was newly updated in our system as Sold & Closed, but no clearing price was visible yet in city records. But when I…
two Manhattan Loft Guy rules broker, for the price of one I usually don’t identify the current owners of Manhattan lofts for sale, or current residents in a building, out of respect for their privacy. And I usually don’t comment…
Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 136 $1mm to $1.99mm 305 $2mm to $2.99mm 204 $3mm to $3.99mm 88 $4mm to $4.99mm 52 $5mm to $10mm 83…
This is my fifty-second report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days. The stats as of Sunday night: there were only…
what a difference two years makeThe Manhattan loft one flight of stairs up at 47 Walker Street #2B has closed. They started in February, asking $1.695mm for "1,830 sq ft", dropped twice to get to $1.595mm by the end of…
Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 129 $1mm to $1.99mm 304 $2mm to $2.99mm 197 $3mm to $3.99mm 93 $4mm to $4.99mm 51 $5mm to $10mm 81…
This is my fifty-first report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days. The stats as of Sunday night: there were only…
another stereotype bites There are few generalizations about the ‘character’ of New York (and its denizens) that are more (… well …) general than the image of the irascible New Yorker — too busy running slow-moving out-of-town pedestrians over to…
Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 125 $1mm to $1.99mm 306 $2mm to $2.99mm 195 $3mm to $3.99mm 95 $4mm to $4.99mm 51 $5mm to $10mm 87…
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