Tag: Syatomlg

SEVEN Years Ago Today on Manhattan Loft Guy

  You were warned in my July 4 post that you had a couple of weeks of archived Manhattan Loft Guy material coming up; this will be it. My July 18, 2006, light more precious than views to an artist

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memory lane: I don't think this anticipated market change (“end of uber-lofts?”) happened

 Five Years Ago Today on Manhattan Loft GuyYou were warned in my July 4 post that you had a couple of weeks of archived Manhattan Loft Guy material coming up; almost up. In my July 17, 2007, end of uber-lofts?

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memory lane: from luxury jewelry to ladies underwear to a union bank to the inevitable condo

    Seven Years Ago Today on Manhattan Loft Guy You were warned in my July 4 post that you’ve got a couple of weeks of archived Manhattan Loft Guy material coming up. In my July 7, 2006, dynamic city

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for your holiday reading pleasure, a wonderful declaration, indeed

  an oldie and goodieHere’s the text (when was the last time you read it?): Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776 The Unanimous Declarationof the Thirteen United States of America When, in the course of human events, it becomes

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