Year: 2008

Manhattan loft inventory as of July 7

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night:  price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 101 $1mm to $1.99mm 233 $2mm to $2.99mm 168 $3mm to $3.99mm 86 $4mm to $4.99mm 43 $5mm to $10mm 78

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new Manhattan loft listings + closed sales in last 7 days

This is my thirty-sixth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days.The stats as of Sunday night show more activity last

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when in the course…

BIG Holiday! ‘See’ you Sunday or Monday. In the meantime …   When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among

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116 West 14 Street closes at very old price / why so long?

recycled listing, very successful marketing I hit on the Manhattan loft 2d floor at 116 West 14 Street when it was not-really-new-but-recycled to market at the beginning of the year (January 26, ‘new’ at 116 West 14 Street is recycled,

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Manhattan loft inventory as of June 29

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night:  price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 102 $1mm to $1.99mm 242 $2mm to $2.99mm 170 $3mm to $3.99mm 91 $4mm to $4.99mm 43 $5mm to $10mm 79

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new Manhattan loft listings + closed sales in last 7 days

This is my thirty-fifth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days.The stats as of Sunday night show a(nother) slow(ish) week

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head-scratching over $650/ft and outdoor space

opportunity? we got opportunityFor the first time in months, I am going to comment on another firm’s Manhattan loft listing today — without identifying it in deference to my resolution in end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy /

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23 days to nearly done (now done) at 19-21 Warren Street

brisk resultsThe Manhattan loft #2E at 19-21 Warren Street came to market at the end of February and had a signed contract 23 days later. It shows as Sold & Closed as of this morning (no clearing price available yet).The

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closing in the Textile Building 66 Leonard Street

"gimme a 4!" … OK, then please give me a 3 (pretty please)#10C at 66 Leonard Street was offered for sale in January 2007 at $4.295mm. Our listing history shows a contract signed in February last year but that must

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Manhattan loft inventory as of June 22

Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 98 $1mm to $1.99mm 251 $2mm to $2.99mm 171 $3mm to $3.99mm 91 $4mm to $4.99mm 45 $5mm to $10mm 83

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