Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 101 $1mm to $1.99mm 233 $2mm to $2.99mm 168 $3mm to $3.99mm 86 $4mm to $4.99mm 43 $5mm to $10mm 78…
Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 101 $1mm to $1.99mm 233 $2mm to $2.99mm 168 $3mm to $3.99mm 86 $4mm to $4.99mm 43 $5mm to $10mm 78…
This is my thirty-sixth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days.The stats as of Sunday night show more activity last…
BIG Holiday! ‘See’ you Sunday or Monday. In the meantime … When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among…
recycled listing, very successful marketing I hit on the Manhattan loft 2d floor at 116 West 14 Street when it was not-really-new-but-recycled to market at the beginning of the year (January 26, ‘new’ at 116 West 14 Street is recycled,…
Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 102 $1mm to $1.99mm 242 $2mm to $2.99mm 170 $3mm to $3.99mm 91 $4mm to $4.99mm 43 $5mm to $10mm 79…
This is my thirty-fifth report on the number, price distribution and neighborhood distribution for Manhattan lofts reported as new to the market or as closed sales in the last 7 days.The stats as of Sunday night show a(nother) slow(ish) week…
opportunity? we got opportunityFor the first time in months, I am going to comment on another firm’s Manhattan loft listing today — without identifying it in deference to my resolution in end of an era for Manhattan Loft Guy /…
brisk resultsThe Manhattan loft #2E at 19-21 Warren Street came to market at the end of February and had a signed contract 23 days later. It shows as Sold & Closed as of this morning (no clearing price available yet).The…
"gimme a 4!" … OK, then please give me a 3 (pretty please)#10C at 66 Leonard Street was offered for sale in January 2007 at $4.295mm. Our listing history shows a contract signed in February last year but that must…
Number of Manhattan lofts offered for sale as of Sunday night: price range # of lofts $500k to $999k 98 $1mm to $1.99mm 251 $2mm to $2.99mm 171 $3mm to $3.99mm 91 $4mm to $4.99mm 45 $5mm to $10mm 83…
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