2,193 days, 1,723 posts, 1 anniversary overlooked

how embarrassing is that?
Sometimes you get distracted. Sometimes Manhattan Loft Guy gets distracted. After not having blogged a jot on Sunday (1st day ‘silent’ since March 1) I scanned my draft topic list for something yesterday to blog about. Hence, the magnificent Crosby Street views were introduced to my part of the inter-tubes (March 19, a question of views for gut renovated 29 Howard Street loft at $1,383/ft). I overlooked a quick post, closer to home: yesterday was the 6th birthday (blogday) of Manhattan Loft Guy. How many “years” is that in internet time?

I assume that I was the only person who overlooked the anniversary, as I assume I am the only person even aware that the thing was coming up.

Long-time readers will remember that I took an unannounced and unplanned sorta-just-happened sabbatical from blogging following surgery in September 2009 that extended into 2010. Since then, however, The Archives tell me that the lightest blogging month has been 22 posts, with an average of 28 posts per month since February 2010. I will leave it to you to judge quality, but that is a lot of quantity, with the majority of posts about individual loft sales.

This blog, in platform, content and format, remains one of the dinosaurs of the web, though I do have some ideas about changing that, in a perpetual-To-Do-list-maybe kind of way. One thing I have not invested any effort or learning in is traffic analytics. My simple Admin function tells me how many times a post has been clicked on, with my Admin page showing the last 20 posts. In the 20+ days reflected on the ‘top’ page, several posts will typically have been hit 200 times, with several more many more times than that. All but (perhaps) the most current few will be in 3 digits.

I just went back 4 pages, to the content posted from December 21 through January 14. The average hits for those 20 posts is 497. This stuff has legs! (Or, a long tail.) That’s gratifying. Going back another 12 months, the average number of hits per post is now 1,032. Going back yet another (almost) year, the page has 2 posts with over 2,000 hits, another with over 8,000, and 2 more with over 20,000 hits. That is a really long tail.

Life is good. Blogging is good. I started tweeting in 2011 (follow @ManhattnLoftGuy; note the missing letter) and am playing with other forms of social media. Nothing stays the same, right?

THANKS for clicking along, these many years.

© Sandy Mattingly 2012

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