Sunday diversion / low-life Super Bowl edition

do not read if you are a Big Ben fan
I understand there is a football game this evening, one in which I do not have a natural fan preference for either team. But I do have a very strong preference against one team.

I don’t know that The Jerk can ever do anything that will ‘redeem’ himself in my eyes, but I know that if he ever does, it won’t be on a football field.

I get it that fans make all sorts of allowances for jerks (“yeah, he’s a jerk, but he’s our jerk”, especially when he is performing at a high level on the field), a la A-Rod, Clemens, Bonds, Kobe, going back to Ty Cobb (and probably earlier). But rooting is a choice, and we have three daughters under 30. My choice is to root against The Jerk every time I get the opportunity, even if (in this instance) it involves associating with people wearing cheese. Such is the lot of a sports fan.

© Sandy Mattingly 2011

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