new at 66 Crosby / $1,000/ft central Soho bldg

no Soho premium here
#4F at 66 CrosbyStreet is new this week. Asking $1.695mm (and $1,361/momaintenance) in what is pointedly under $1,000 per square foot for”1,700 sq ft” of “authentic loft living”. 13 foot ceilings withexposed mechanicals and columns in an 1881 industrial building witha cast iron facade is pretty darn authentic to me, letalone on a cobblestone street.
It also has a Broadway entrance, 514Broadway. Some listings use 66 Crosby (looks like the low letters)and some use 514 Broadway (the H and G lines, at least)[update 9.14: 514 Broadway + 66 Crosby form one coop, but areseparate buildings; see Laura’s comment below]
so why only$1,000/ft??
Turns out this building is very consistently ano-Soho-premium building. It is a pretty big loft building (40units, originally), five of which traded last year:
#6Glast October 2006 $1.4mm (“1,250 sq ft” with “800 sq ft” privateroof deck)
#4CD last September $2.255mm (“2,300 sq ft”)
#6Dlast August $1.4mm (“1,400 sq ft”)
#4Hlast June $1.74mm (“2,130 sq ft” that was “renovated toperfection”)
#3Blast May $1.562mm (“1,450 sq ft”)
Thiscompares to the market-wide average price per foot for lofts of$1,246/ft (per p4 of the MillerSamuel 2Q07 market report).
©Sandy Mattingly 2007
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