three zeroes / flipping the odometer on a major Manhattan Loft Guy milestone

the rundown on the Countdown
That Countdown thing that has appeared on the last ten posts was pointed to the 1000th post since Manhattan Loft Guy launched three and a half years ago. O N E  T H O U S A N D posts, as of yesterday.

It occurred to me as I was counting down that the post that got the Three Zeroes should be ‘special’ in some way, rather than being a ‘regular’ post. I think that hitting number 1,000 with my master list of (essentially) all Manhattan lofts that have sold since early November, resales and new developments, qualifies. I can already see many data points on the spreadsheet that deserve a post, as well as lines for ‘big picture’ (interesting) analysis. If the MLG readership helps to really exploit the potential in the spreadsheet, who knows where it may lead?

you can’t make this stuff up
I mentioned in yesterday’s post my limited spreadsheet skills. As if to prove my lack of ability in math generally, I counted wrong in starting the countdown, hence the "oops". If I can’t even count backwards from tenautomatically (and correctly), you know I need a great deal of help to make the closings spreadsheet more usable!

© Sandy Mattingly 2009

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