Manhattan Loft Guy year in review: 2010 personal favorites

it has been a good year, no?
Yes, it is That Time Of Year (so soon!), so I will finish the year as I said yesterday, with two sets of Manhattan Loft Guy 12-month retrospectives. Reader faves were yesterday (Manhattan Loft Guy year in review: 2010 reader favorites); I use my blogger’s privilege to make my personal choices as the final word on 2010, in post #294 in a year of 365 days, which also happens to be Manhattan Loft Guy post #1,307, all time.

Picking personal faves out of a year’s worth of 294 posts is like picking your favorite children in a really big family. Imagine telling less than 5% of your kids that they are your favorites. (Of course I love you, dear, but didn’t you think that your sister’s performance in Peter Pan showed great depth and maturity??)

Three of my favorites (sorry, dear) dealt with how Manhattan real estate works, in one way or another. One contained my (probable) favorite locution of 2010, The Loft Law of Eventual Lament:

One of my favorites built on the treasure trove of knowledge that The Miller has acquired up over many, many years, and on his generosity in sharing it with the rest of us. (For some reason, he tries to use actual data to support an opinion about The Market.) I cite it often.

In three of my favorites I looked at specific sales of specific lofts in the context of other specific loft sales, in one case probing one of the Eight Million Stories In The Naked City about what leads people to buy and sell lofts in Manhattan (and mis-spelling renovators in the process).

This favorite involves a little bit of boasting, given that I took on the Lame Stream Media about something obviously wrong about a major data citation (obvious to anyone who understands The Market, as well as obvious to anyone who checked the primary source), resulting in a (somewhat bizarre) Amplification & Correction (whoopee!).

Two favorites addressed topics that everyone concerned about the Manhattan Real Estate Industrial Complex complains about, in one case suggesting a better way to protect consumers (if that had been a goal) and in the other case explaining (and explaining, and explaining) a complex regulation about an important topic about which consumers have long been confused (whose fault was that, do ya think?).

I picked two favorites out of many posts about the way things just don’t stay the same.

Because I remain thankful (note to self: re-read this post at least weekly in 2011):

That’s it for Manhattan Loft Guy for 2010! Pretty soon (but not this year) I need to figure out how to improve this blog … and then (soon thereafter?) do it. Now I must be off to New Year’s Eve chores: buying ingredients and making Dum Ghobi and Mutter Mushroom Bhaji for a pot-luck tonight and (I hope, I hope …) getting to the gym. A nap before The Festivities is not out of the question.

Happy new year to all! Be careful out there….

© Sandy Mattingly 2010


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