Sunday diversion / World Cup edition

it’s time to Release The Wambach
With only the most perfunctory apologies to Liam Neeson and the "writers" of the 2010 release Clash of the Titans I have stolen one of the few iconic elements of the oh-so-cheesy film, Zeus’ summoning of the power of the monsters of the deep (video clip here) as an homage to the United States Women’s national soccer team, hours before they take on Japan for the World Cup.

As a long-time (truly fanatic) fan of team sports, but only a moderately well-informed fan of soccer, I pay attention every two years, for the male and female World Cups. I have watched most of the US games of both teams in the last few World Cups, which has generally involved hope followed by regret on the men’s side and hope followed by pride on the women’s.

I recognize as a jingoistic fan that I am in danger of projecting emotions and ‘qualities’ onto ‘my’ teams that cannot be justified, and of using results to rationalize those projections. Which is a (typically) long-winded introduction this fanboy missive about the US team. Sports are cruel tests, graded at this level as either/or, with no moral victories (ask Marta, or Prinz).

Notwithstanding a ton of ‘good chances’ (not converted) last Sunday, but for a crazy late goal by The Wambach (the latest goal ever scored in a World Cup match), the US loses to Brazil in the quarters. Despite being dominated (IMO) for 80 minutes by France, a tie-breaking goal by The Wambach sets up the semi-final win by the US.

It is easy to ‘reason’ backwards from these results to superior merit on the US side, but would their effort have been any less, their commitment to each other and different, had either of Wambach’s headers hit a post or crossbar? (As so many did earlier in the tournament.) Nahhh, but it sure does make for a great story, even a myth (cue Zeus!).

It is 4 hours before game time in Frankfurt. Do you know where your Wambach is?

(It occurs to me that the film clip’s image of destruction rising from the sea has disturbing parallels to the recent Japanese tsunami, so maybe it is better use this smash-up for Release The Wambach, not the video from the film, above.)

Say it out loud, and use your Neeson Voice: RELEASE THE WAMBACH!

© Sandy Mattingly 2011

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