short diversion / baseball, but not what you think

a lovely piece of writing
It was this paragraph in a short essay that told me that this writer would probably have something to say, and would say it well:

Baseball, in particular, had always seemed both twee and annoying—especially given the baseball lore in the literary, MFA circles I was drifting among—the most intellectual of sports. Those Roger Angell essays. John Updike writing of Ted Williams: Gods do not answer letters. Washington D.C. lawyers in late middle age who can be seen walking down K Street of a spring afternoon, wearing Boston Red Sox caps with their natty business suits and Harvard ties.

The essay starts in an unusual place and ends in an even more unusual place (that paragraph is from the middle). Please don’t be put off when I tell you that the title is Baseball and the Law of God, it comes to me from the website patheos, which is subtitled “Hosting the Conversation on Faith”. Sunday is my day for church, among other things.

Play ball!

© Sandy Mattingly 2012

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