Tag: Neighbor

251 West 19 Street gets contract for birthday, but are they laughing?

funny thing about starting at the right priceUnlike the 80 Chambers Street loft that I hit on Monday after it closed after its first birthday, but had a contract just before the birthday, the Manhattan loft #3A at 151 West

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80 Chambers Street loft takes a year to go from $3.5mm to $2.75mm in an efficient (gasp!) micro-market

at least it got a birthday presentWhen the Manhattan loft #15F at 80 Chambers Street sold on March 17 at $2.75mm that closing capped a marketing campaign that started on February 11, 2010 at $3.5mm. In exchange for the 21%

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101 Warren Street resale makes news without being new

the greying of The Old Grey Lady continuesDo people think that the regular Sunday New York Times real estate section feature Residential Sales Around The Region features recent sales? I bet they do, though to be fair to the Times

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60 Thomas sells +21%, but that's above 2004 purchase

some good news, and some other newsIf you were the seller of the Manhattan loft on the 6th floor of 60 Thomas Street you are pleased to sell at a 21% gain, even if that gain is measured from 2004.

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loft at 244 West 23 Street closes off 28% since 2007 with big roof deck

what a motivated seller looks likeAfter three days in a row of Manhattan Loft Guy posts about loft resales at curiously strong prices, consideration of the March 16 closing of the Manhattan loft #7A at 244 West 23 Street at

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224 West 18 Street loft sells quickly, above 2007

is it the humility, Mars?When the Manhattan loft #4A at 224 West 18 Street (the north front of the Campiello Collection) sold on March 21 for $2.2mm the seller realized a gain of 1.3%, which might not seem like a

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late bidding war for another forever loft, as 714 Broadway goes for $613/ft, or more

what’s the story?The best single way to sum up the March 17 sale of the Manhattan loft on the 2nd floor at 714 Broadway is to say that it is rich in angles. Or that it will take many hands.

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10 Bleecker Street loft takes forever to sell after meticulous renovation

well, technically, not “forever”The Manhattan loft #1A at 10 Bleecker Street sold on March 10 for $1.375mm after having been on and off the market (much more ‘on’ than ‘off’) since The Peak of the Manhattan residential real estate market.

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O’Neill loft at 655 Sixth Avenue sells despite not being marketed from July 2007 to December 2008

otherwise, it was actively marketedSome marketing campaigns are longer than others; few are as long as this (perhaps none). When the Manhattan loft #3B at 655 Sixth Avenue (the O’Neill Building) finally sold on February 28 for $1.22mm it had

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eventual 92 Warren Street resale beats 2007 new development price by 5%

one theme, or anotherIs the recent sale of the Manhattan loft #5W at 92 Warren Street more interesting because it is a resale of a 2007 new development that exceeded the original sponsor sale price, or is it more interesting

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