Curbed means never having to say you're sorry is at the top of the New York City blogosphere. Among its strengths is that it goes all over the place in content and breadth. And it certainly is an … ummm … unfiltered medium, as the occasional lewd threads are tolerated (presumably) as self-policing (or self-deleting) community generated content.
The editorial tone is wry, sharp and iconoclastic on a good day, and usually merely snarky on a bad day. But yesterday was a particularly bad day for Curbed, and I have been waiting for somebody on the Curbed Team to acknowledge that — perhaps Joey the Author or Lock the Man. Still waiting.
They took a bizarre news bite (1990s Haitian strong man found to be Queens real estate agent) and went WAY over the top. Three or four civilians have chimed in to chide Curbed, and so far the only response has been more wiseass from Joey the Author. Nothing from Lock the Man.
I realize they have an image to maintain, but I wonder if they realize that they have an image to maintain. This ain’t the PC police calling, but why can’t they acknowledge even the slightest regret over a "joke" that went too far??
© Sandy Mattingly 2006
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